"What Did You See? What Will You See? Love and Loss in Jarrett Krosoczka’s Hey Kiddo… and in Southeastern Connecticut"
One Book One Region (OBOR) Kickoff Event.
BioCT Innovation Commons, Groton, CT. 19 June 2019.
Press release available here.
Video available here.
"Seven Living Words of the HIV Positive" by Thomas Schuttenhelm Pre-Concert Panel Discussion. Chorosynthesis Singers.
Connecticut College. 13 April 2019.
"The Absent Broadway Body: Michael Bennett’s Scandal”
Broadway Bodies: An Interdisciplinary Conference on the Musical
University of Washington, St. Louis MO. September 2018
"Lonely Planet - Reflections of Those Who Served During the AIDS Epidemic"
New Repertory Theater, Boston MA. February 2018.
“Activism Through Storytelling”
Eugene O’Neill Theatre Center: Launching Tomorrow’s Theater Artists: A National Conversation
December 2016
“Broadway Musicals and the AIDS Epidemic”
University of New Haven, Guest Lecture. for Prof. Jessica Brater’s “Theatrical Movements and Manifestos” course. December 2015.
"Race and the American Musical" Keynote Speaker and Course Respondent, Mount Holyoke College. April 2016.
“Stephen Schwartz’s The Baker’s Wife: An Historical Perspective”
Gallery Talks event for The Gallery Players’ production of The Baker’s Wife. Brooklyn, NY. March 2015.
“Giving Rent its Due: Historicizing a Fictional ‘La Vie Boheme’ and the Real AIDS Epidemic.”
Gallery Talks event for The Gallery Players’ production of Rent. Brooklyn, NY. April 2014.
“In the Spirit of Carleton” Award Presentation
Presented material from book project, “Beyond Angels: Broadway Theatre and the AIDS Epidemic” and shared reflections on the value of studying abroad. Carleton College, Northfield, MN. May 2012.
Invited Panelist for Interdisciplinarity in Local Contexts: Theatre History
Response: “‘There’s a Place for Us’: The Pedagogy of Disciplinary Identification”
Association for Theatre in Higher Education conference in Chicago. August 2011.
Invited Speaker: Graduate Student Symposium, Career Development Workshop
Association for Theatre in Higher Education conferences in Los Angeles and Chicago
Mentored graduate students in regards to employment, research, publication, conference and practice-oriented opportunities. 2010, 2011.
UC Irvine Department of Drama graduate seminar, “Asian and Trans(Nation)”
Guest lecture on the application of theories of interculturalism to musical theatre, focusing on Stephen Sondheim’s musical Pacific Overtures. Irvine, CA. 2010.
Invited Panelist: “Surviving Graduate School and the Job Market”
American Theatre and Drama Society/Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Los Angeles, CA. 2010.
Round Table on Graduate Student Leadership
Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Denver, CO. 2008.
Round Table: Graduate Student Focus Group Representatives
Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Chicago, IL. 2006.
Connecticut College:
Broadway star Stephanie J. Block (public interview).
Athey Center for Performance and Research. 1 October 2022
“Of Giraffes and Mission Statements /"
Connecticut College Opening Convocation. 26 August 2019.
College coverage here. Local news coverage here.
Full remarks here.
"Genomic Instability and Other Ruminations on the Nature of Awards"
Connecticut College Honors and Awards Ceremony. 29 April 2019. Full remarks available here.
“Angels in America in Context”
Guest lecture for Professor Lina Wilder’s First Year Seminar, “Hamilton and Historical Drama.” November 2017.
World AIDS Day, Connecticut College
Lectured on the cultural history of the AIDS epidemic in the United States. LGBTQIA Center. December 2016.
“Qu’est-ce que Vous Allez Faire? (What are You Going to Do?), or, What I Learned About ‘Doing’ from a Broadway Burlesque” (The “Do” in a “Think. Do. Lead.” Faculty First lecture series.) First Year Student Orientation. August 2014.
“The Arts in the Digital Age.”
Public panel discussion marking the Inauguration of President Bergeron. April 2014.
“When All the World’s a Stage: Theatre and HIV/AIDS in China”
Center for International Studies and the Liberal Arts (CISLA) Senior Seminar, Professor Marc Zimmer. December 2013.
“ACT UP: Performance and Protest in the Age of AIDS”
Professor David Jaffe’s course, Art of Protest: Occupy ____. September 2013.
Cal Poly:
Faculty Adviser, Narrator: Standing on Ceremony: The Gay Marriage Plays
Facilitated local participation in the simultaneous multi-sited theatre event and Q&A, serving as liaison between Tectonic Theatre Project, Cal Poly students and members of the community. November 2011.
College of Liberal Arts Week of Welcome, Cal Poly
Spoke to students and families about the value of a liberal arts education and college expectations. April 2011.
Faculty Adviser, Narrator: The Laramie Project: Ten Years Later
Hosted Tectonic Theatre Project member Leigh Fondakowski for an intensive workshop on Moment Work with Cal Poly students and members of the community. 2009.
Tufts University:
“Reflections: Waiting for Godot as a Parable for Graduate School”
Tufts University Doctoral Hooding Ceremony. 2009.
Broadway Star Audra McDonald – A Public Interview
Marty and Perry Granoff Center, Tufts University. 2008.
Tufts University Fall Commencement, 2007.
"Strategies for Effective Teaching"
Graduate School of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering, Tufts University, 2006.
